December 15, 2022

10 Key Habits of Leadership From CEO, Mauricio Domenzain

You’ve probably heard that our CEO is a great leader. But what does that mean? We asked Mauricio Domenzain to share his top tips and habits that help him achieve success. Check them out below:

1. Understand the humanity of those around you. A good leader is a good listener. Take time to understand the people around you better and use that knowledge to create positive change in the world. Listening isn’t always easy when emotions run high or situations get tense; however, true leaders find ways of communicating effectively in these situations by showing empathy for others’ viewpoints without losing sight of their own goals or objectives.

2. Know your why. I love the culture we’ve built and enjoy being able to see our products have such an impact on people’s lives; we’re making a difference which is something special. Not many companies can say this about their services. We work hard but we also make time for fun (as made evident during our incentive trips)! BTW, are you leveraging December’s Jumpstart Promotion to earn tips credits for 2023?

3. Have a strong work ethic and stay intentional. Motivate and inspire others to work hard for their goals by setting the example. Keep a healthy balance between work and play. Don’t be afraid of taking risks in order to achieve what you believe is best for your team, company and clients. I’m surrounded by great people who are passionate about what they do, and that makes for a fun environment to work in every day.

4. Set clear goals and expectations. Once you’ve set your vision, it’s important to take the next step and develop a plan for how to achieve it. That’s why leaders should always have an understanding of what success looks like in their goal-setting process. For example, if you want your team to grow, you must clearly define the action steps needed to make it happen: How will you target prospects? What needs do they have? How can they benefit from being on your product? Once these questions are answered, a leader will work with their team to develop actionable steps that are specifically geared towards reaching those goals. (Example: Inspiring and investing in your team to attend our annual Convention, ImmunoFEST!)

5. Be committed to lifelong learning. Make great decisions because they keep up with current information, admit when you are wrong, listen to others’ opinions, work well as part of a group, and know how/where to find support when needed. Your team should feel confident knowing that everything will be okay because of your leadership skills.

6. Stay consistent. We’re always working on a variety of projects and initiatives here at Immunotec, but some of the things that we’re most excited about right now include the launch of a NEW! Product (be the first to see it at ImmunoFEST), and the implementation of new technologies and processes to improve internal efficiency and productivity.

7. Scale. Scope. Recall. Great leaders keep their ear open, always listening for customer feedback, and making changes as necessary. Leaders know when it’s important not just to set goals but also revisit them on a regular basis—or even reset them entirely if necessary!

8. Offer effective feedback (constant communication). According to the Harvard Business Review, “feedback is an essential tool for helping people grow.” Providing positive and constructive feedback can help employees thrive in their roles and continue growing within their organizations. To provide effective feedback:

– Make a point of providing it regularly and make sure it’s about something specific you’ve observed about the person’s performance.
– Share how you’ve overcome those obstacles in the past. This helps ensure that you’re giving your team information on which he or she can act immediately to improve performance rather than talking generally about what he or she needs to work on in the future (which may be unclear).

9. Create a support network for yourself, so that when challenges arise you have others you can reach out to for help. A good way to do this is by surrounding yourself with people who have different perspectives and ideas than you, because they’ll help you see things in new ways. We’re also focused on investing in our team and providing them with the support, resources, and opportunities that they need to grow and succeed. We believe that our people are our greatest asset, and we’re committed to helping them reach their full potential.

10. Be authentic, empathetic and compassionate. But also be able to stand up for your convictions. One of the things that we’re particularly proud of is our commitment to helping children in need through our global charity, ImmunoKIDS. We believe that it’s important to not only be successful as a business, but to also have a positive impact on the world around us.

Our CEO Is A Powerhouse

We hope that this information has helped you. A proud father of four Mauricio, has a lot on his plate but handles it all with grace and poise. As Mauricio said earlier, leadership skills can be learned and developed. If practiced, you will be leading a team of your own with confidence and success! If you have something to add, don’t hesitate: comment and help us wish him a happy birthday🥳 below. Click the following links if you’d like to connect with Mauricio on:

Linked In, Instagram or Facebook.

CEO Special Challenge

Click to view Mauricio’s favorite product mix. What’s yours?

One Comment on “10 Key Habits of Leadership From CEO, Mauricio Domenzain

Jose Jesus Higareda Inocencio
July 11, 2023 at 12:26 am

My dad is having health problems now, a few years ago he had a heart attack, he’s liver started to have somo trouble, both feet got swollen he is taking some medication, just wondering if there is a inmunocall my dad can take, I’m worry about he’s health and trying to help, thank you


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